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Love Monday Blog

Discomfort is the Currency of Your Dreams, Pt. 2 career advice career coaching emotions goal setting goals mindset Dec 05, 2021

Last time we were talking about how you have to get uncomfortable to achieve your dreams. Remember the concept of growing pains? It’s a physical phenomenon, yes, but when it comes to the non-physical, it is not just a metaphor. It’s an accurate description of what you must go...

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Discomfort is the Currency of Your Dreams, Pt. 1 career advice career coaching emotions goals realizing your dreams Nov 28, 2021
The Sopranos as Therapy

I’ve been binge watching The Sopranos for the last several weeks. That wasn’t an option back in the 90s/00s when it originally aired. I’ve seen most of it before, but what I’m struck by now is how strangely relevant the show is to my life and...

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Your Perspective Changes Everything consciousnesss mindset personal development perspective point of view viewpoint Aug 17, 2021

You don’t go around challenging the Law of Gravity much, do you? Most of us know exactly what will happen if we step out of a ninth-story window. But at the same time, we are unwittingly courting trouble through our lack of knowledge about many other natural laws that govern our planet....

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What Your Archetypes Reveal About You archetypes consciousnesss prostitute in the 7th house self knowing sell out the prostitute archetype Aug 02, 2021

Anyone who has ever sought to change themselves has encountered the advice: “Know thyself.” It is perennial wisdom, espoused by the likes of Socrates, Shakespeare, Jung, and Pythagoras. In pursuit of that esteemed inner self-knowledge, people frequently turn to personality...

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TheLaw of Attraction: Feeling is the Real Secret emotions feeling law of attraction manifesting mindset Oct 19, 2018

If you’re like me, you find the idea behind the Law of Attraction appealing, but solid, and simple, guidance on how to make it work is elusive. Some advocates would have you believe you can manifest a Tesla right into your driveway in a matter of days. Such conceptions of the Law of...

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4 Ways to Defeat Impostor Syndrome career advice impostor syndrome limiting beliefs mindset Oct 04, 2017

I’ve been having trouble getting started on this article. You see, I suffer from Impostor Syndrome: that nagging feeling that no matter the evidence to the contrary, I’m just not good enough. For me, the sticking point with the article is research. Despite 49 years of personal...

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How to Override Your Brain's Fear Mechanism fear judge ladder of inference mind stress management toltec victim Aug 15, 2017

When I was in college, I had the extraordinary opportunity to visit the Soviet Union. It was 1988, just before the dissolution of the Communist state. Among many discoveries and culture shocks was my acquisition of a book called The Mind Parasites. It was by an English author, Colin Wilson....

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