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Love Monday Blog

What the Chicken and the Egg Teaches Us About the Job Search career advice career coaching getting unstuck job search paradox Jun 16, 2022

Let’s say you want to leave your job, but you can’t because you’re so busy working.


This, my friends, is the classic chicken and the egg problem.


The Chicken and the Egg

You know the deal. Which came first the chicken or the egg? We know that chickens make eggs and...

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Bending Reality: Manifesting the Reality You Want bending reality career coaching contraction expansion law of attraction Jun 03, 2022

I’ve been wrestling with something mightily ever since I’ve been a life coach. 


I’m a fairly practical person, well educated in rational disciplines. I have an MBA, for heaven’s sake. 


Yet, I’ve always had a strong curiosity for esoteric...

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Should I Stay or Should I Go? Thinking about Leaving Your Job career advice career coaching career management i hate my job leaving your job livelihood quit your job worklife May 09, 2022

Today, with all the world’s upheaval, many people are asking themselves: should I stay or should I go? An overwhelming number are answering yes, creating a movement so large they have blessed it with a name: The Great Resignation.

It’s a compelling question, but...

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Power Up Your Mac Game with These 9 Apps productivity May 09, 2022


I’ve been a Mac user most of my computer-literate life. I love my Mac, but there are some things that I find easier in the Windows environment. Locating files is probably the biggest thing. For some reason, I felt like I could never find things on my Mac or even them file them...

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Got Too Much Work? Here are 5 Tips to Tame the Overwhelm burnout career coaching career management overwork stress management workload Apr 22, 2022

These days many of us are feeling overworked. 

It’s a condition of our times driven by an explosion of information, a proliferation of communication platforms, and the high number of job openings.

I remember how I felt when my department grew at one point. I inherited the internal...

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Want to Quit Your Job? Do These 6 Things First career advice career coaching how to leave your job quit your job quitting Mar 01, 2022

If you’re thinking about leaving your job, you should know that there is a wrong way, and a right way to do it.

I’m going to review what I believe is the right way. We will explore not burning bridges and some other advice you’ve probably heard before. But I have a bit of a...

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Need More Time? Try Bending It finding the time metaphysics productivity time time management to do list Feb 03, 2022

When we find that through the vagaries of life, or just due to our own interests and passions, our to-do list swells beyond the limits of time, we have but a few options. 

We can endeavor to do less or do it faster or we can manipulate time. 

Our language lures us to the idea that...

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Engagement is an Inside Job burnout career advice career coaching career satisfaction stress management Jan 25, 2022

Only 34% of employees are engaged in their work according to a 2021 Gallup poll.

Engagement is a measure of employees’ involvement and enthusiasm in their work and workplace. You can imagine that for employers, it’s an alarming statistic. Gallup ties engagement to many...

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Feeling Stuck at Work? Hereā€™s How to Find Your Purpose career advice career coaching career satisfaction find your purpose getting unstuck i hate my job personal development worklife Jan 19, 2022

There’s an ancient story that goes like this:

Before we are born, our soul gets to choose who we will be in this lifetime. The soul chooses what its character shall be from amongst a myriad of possibilities. A guardian then accompanies us to help us be faithful to what we have chosen....

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How to Follow Your Bliss career advice career coaching career satisfaction follow your bliss Jan 13, 2022

Sometimes, when you’re on the treadmill of life, you’re hustling too much to slow down and ask vital questions like why am I doing this? What is it all moving toward? Is this what I’m here for? Is this what I’m meant to do?

It feels like we have to work so...

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Are You a Sellout?: The Prostitute Archetype archetypes selling out the prostitute archetype Jan 06, 2022

OK, now don’t get mad at me, but you’re probably a Prostitute.

I don’t mean that people pay you to have sex with them. I mean it in a broader, archetypal sense.

The Development of the Prostitute Archetype

We all start playing the role of the Prostitute when we are...

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Discomfort is the Currency of Your Dreams, Pt. 3 career advice career coaching emotions goal setting goals realizing your dreams Dec 14, 2021

Today, we will wrap up the series that explores this idea: Discomfort is the currency of your dreams.

I’ll quickly recap what we’ve covered in the previous two articles (Part I, Part II) before diving into the best part: the antidotes!

I got the phrase, Discomfort is the...

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