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Ready for the AI-Driven World of Work?

Elevate Your Productivity, Amplify Your Impact, and Achieve Sustainable Success











Are you ready to revolutionize your work performance?

In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, staying ahead means more than just working harder. It's about working smarter, leveraging cutting-edge AI tools, and tapping into your innate potential. As your AI-Enhanced Performance Architect, I'm here to guide you on this transformative journey.

Group Coaching Program Starts Soon

I'll help you create your own personalized productivity system using AI and other tools so you can break free from the Syndrome of Too Much and achieve high impact, sustainable results. 

Find out when!

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Are You Drowning in the "Too Much" Syndrome?


• Information Overload: Does your inbox overflow with unread emails and your desk with half-finished projects? In the age of information, staying updated feels like drinking from a fire hose.


• To-Do Tempest: Is your to-do list growing faster than you can cross items off? The constant barrage of tasks leaves you feeling like you're always playing catch-up.


• Time Famine: Do you find yourself saying "I don't have time" more often than "Hello"? The expectations on your time seem to multiply daily, leaving you gasping for air.


• Decision Fatigue: From choosing the right AI tool to prioritizing your workload, does the sheer number of decisions leave you mentally exhausted?


• Perfectionism Paralysis: Is the fear of not doing something perfectly preventing you from starting or finishing projects?


• Boundary Blur: In a world of 24/7 connectivity, has the line between work and personal life become so blurred that you're always "on"?


• People-Pleaseritis: Do you find yourself saying "yes" to requests when every fiber of your being wants to say "no"?


• Guilt Sandpit: Are you constantly feeling guilty about what you're not doing, even when you're working hard on something important?


• Shiny Object Syndrome: Do you jump from one productivity hack to another, never fully implementing any system long enough to see results?


• AI Anxiety: Are you simultaneously excited about AI's potential and terrified you're falling behind in leveraging it effectively?

If any of these resonate with you, you're not alone. The modern professional landscape is a minefield of these challenges. But here's the good news: it doesn't have to be this way.


Imagine a life where:

• You confidently prioritize what truly matters, letting go of the rest without guilt

• Your relationship with technology enhances your productivity instead of hijacking it

• You have clear, healthy boundaries that allow you to be fully present in both work and personal life

• Decision-making becomes clearer and less draining

• You leverage AI tools not as a replacement, but as an enhancement to your natural abilities

• Your day feels spacious, even as you accomplish more than ever before


This isn't about achieving perfect "work-life balance" – it's about creating a harmonious integration of all aspects of your life, powered by cutting-edge technology and timeless wisdom.

Ready to break free from the "Too Much" syndrome and step into a life of purposeful productivity? Let's talk.

Click to schedule a complimentary Discovery Session.

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My Holistic Approach to Next-Gen Productivity:

• Blend cutting-edge AI tools with timeless wisdom for unparalleled efficiency

• Implement neuroscience-backed techniques to achieve sustainable high performance

• Design a personalized productivity system that evolves with you and technology

• Cultivate deep work practices to thrive in an age of constant distraction

• Integrate mindfulness and ancient principles to enhance decision-making and creativity

• Create a harmonious integration of work and life, moving beyond traditional 'balance'

Who This Is For:

• Visionary entrepreneurs seeking to scale their impact without sacrificing well-being

• High-achieving executives aiming to lead more effectively in the AI era

• Ambitious professionals navigating the complexities of remote and hybrid work environments

• Creative thinkers looking to optimize their idea generation and execution process

• Empaths and 'people-pleasers' striving to set healthy boundaries and prioritize effectively

• Anyone feeling overwhelmed by the 'Too Much Syndrome' in today's fast-paced world

What Sets Me Apart:

• A unique blend of AI expertise and consciousness-expanding practices

• Customized strategies that consider your whole self - mind, body, and spirit

• Integration of neuroscience and ancient wisdom for a truly holistic approach

• Focus on sustainable high performance, not just short-term productivity boosts

• Expertise in leveraging AI as a complement to human creativity and intuition

• A systems-thinking approach to productivity, informed by organizational psychology

• Emphasis on meaningful work and impact, not just crossing items off a to-do list

• Strategies rooted in real-world experience

• Commitment to evolving methods as technology and workplace dynamics change

As an AI-Enabled Performance Architect, I stand at the intersection of cutting-edge technology and timeless wisdom, guiding leaders and entrepreneurs to unlock their full potential in our rapidly evolving world.

My journey combines academic rigor (BA in Psychology, MBA from Duke, PhD in Organizational Systems focusing on leadership and consciousness) with 15 years of corporate experience in process optimization and professional development and 10 years as an entrepreneur and coach. This unique blend allows me to tackle one of today's biggest challenges: the "Syndrome of Too Much."

In our AI-driven era, we're bombarded with information, choices, and demands, often leading to decision paralysis and reduced productivity. Our reptilian brains, ill-equipped for modern complexities, struggle to cope. That's where I come in.

I help clients navigate this new landscape by blending AI-powered efficiency with neuroscience-backed techniques and ancient wisdom. My approach isn't about working harder, but about aligning with your whole self and leveraging technology as an enhancement tool.

True productivity isn't cramming more into your day—it's creating meaningful impact while maintaining balance. It's making decisions with both data and intuition, leading with clarity amidst constant change.

Whether you're scaling your impact as an entrepreneur or feeling overwhelmed by technological pace, I'm here to help you thrive, not just survive. Together, we'll create a personalized, evolving system for sustained results and work-life harmony.

Ready to revolutionize your approach to work and life? Let's connect and start your journey to next-level performance today.


Let's Chat

"If you want results, I cannot recommend Kira highly enough! 

Kira’s enthusiasm is the product of real results for her clients; I can think of no greater endorsement than the sincerity behind service that comes from the heart. She wants to see clients succeed and success is guaranteed for those who put her tools into practice.

This can certainly require changing habits or even confronting unconscious parts of ourselves, but Kira is a delightful cheerleader and an empathic listener who reminds her clients as often as needed.

Working with Kira was both challenging, in that it encouraged my growth, and fun, as I appreciated her joy and practical techniques. I feel grateful to have a lifelong arsenal of tools to draw from because of our work together."

-- Lisa Hedley, Psychospiritual Counselor

"I would recommend Kira in a heartbeat."

I made great progress on two book projects while working with Kira. She encouraged me to think of my work in a new and helpful way right off the bat. Kira’s help and support was indispensable. I feel like my work wouldn't be nearly as focused or effective without her and I'd be getting in my own way a lot more.


"It was so easy to be authentic with Kira, I didn't feel guarded or vulnerable at all even when we were talking about things that typically bring up my insecurities. I also really appreciate her questions and perspective."

--April Beebe, Spiritual Guidance Counselor

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From my blog 

Why Your Attention is Such a Precious Commodity

Nobody Cares How Hard You Work

4 Reasons I Drunk the Kool-Aid on Goal Setting