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Amp Up Your LinkedIn Game with 6 Tips

career advice career coaching entrepreneur linkedin networking social media solopreneur soulpreneur Aug 12, 2022
LinkedIn Networking

Online networking is a critical part of the strategy for entrepreneurs and job seekers alike. There’s no better tool for it than LinkedIn. In today’s blog, I’m going to share some tips for how you can up your LinkedIn game to create a presence that will attract customers and employers alike.


1) Write a compelling headline. 


Your headline should entice people to connect with you. Tailor it to the tribe you are looking to attract through LinkedIn.


It’s important to be aware that the first line of your headline will show up every time you post or comment, so be aware of how your headline appears when it’s shortened in this manner.


2) Use hashtags.

 You can find hashtags by searching for them in the search bar. When searching include the hashtag symbol in your search. 



You can also find good hashtags by seeing how people have tagged posts you like.


It's also a good idea to get into the practice of following hashtags that interest you. To follow a tag, click on it (or search for it) and then hit the follow button.


Once you’ve found interesting hashtags, look them up using search to see how many followers they have. Target the hashtags with the most followers. (Millions is great, though tens of thousands can work depending on your purposes).


3) Add your web address to your profile.

 This is a newer feature, so some people miss it. You'll definitely want to capitalize on this opportunity to put a link on your profile.


To add your web address, go to your profile and click the pencil. Inside this window, scroll down towards the bottom where you will see an opportunity to add your URL.



4) Leverage the Featured Section.

 The Featured Section shows up on your profile page in a box a bit below the main profile box. Here you can pin posts in order to highlight your most relevant information.



To pin a post, click on Me, then select Posts & Activity. Select Articles or Posts.


Go to the desired post or article and look for the three little buttons in the upper right-hand corner.


Click on that and you will see an option to “Feature on top of profile.” Select that.


You can manage your Featured Section by going to your profile, scrolling down to the Featured Section and selecting the pencil.


This allows you to remove content. If you click the up/down arrows, you enter a window where you can reorder the postings.


Once inside the Reorder window, drop and drag individual posts into the desired order.


5) Create a Networking One Sheet

 This is a single page, similar to a resume, that you can use to summarize what you’d like people to know about you. I used Canva to create my Networking One Sheet.

Here are some sections to include:

  • A banner image
  • Best Way to Contact
  • Links (e.g. social media handles)
  • About Me
  • Who I Want to Meet
  • How to Introduce Me
  • Skills, Experiences, and Passions
  • LinkedIn QR Code


6) Use Your LinkedIn QR Code

 Maybe you didn’t know that LinkedIn creates a QR Code connected to your LinkedIn profile. It does! You can put this QR Code on your Networking One Sheet. You can also share the QR Code with others at a networking event.


Here’s a helpful article on how to do all that:


I hope you find these tips will elevate your LinkedIn game. Happy networking!

I’m Dr. Kira Swanson and I’m a Life Coach for people who dread Monday. I work with corporate misfits and struggling entrepreneurs who feel unfulfilled in their work. Together, we tune into what they really want, find new perspectives, and summon the courage to take bold action. Whether it’s striking out on their own, flourishing in their own business, or thriving right where they are, I help my clients to Love Monday.

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